Prehab for Neck Surgery

$250 a month

Welcome to PT on Demand powered by the Healthy Posture Club! A telehealth PT platform that medically guides you through the Healthy Posture System. The Prehab for Neck Surgery video library guides you through 3 levels of healthy posture conditioning that will condition you to perform your daily tasks with healthy loading through the neck. We will explore healthy strategies for sleeping, driving and optimize your workstation before surgery so that you have a game plan to follow after your surgery.

Improving your posture before your upcoming neck surgery will reduce the amount of times you perform a task with forward head posture. This reduces inflammation in the neck which is the main source of pain, facilitating a more complete recovery. Get the most out of this investment by pairing it with medically supervised neutral spine conditioning.

Your subscription provides you with 4 tele-health physical therapy coaching sessions with a PT or PTA to guide you through the program to ensure safety and accuracy. The exercises in the workout videos only have value if performed properly. We will pair you with an instructor trained to identify when any of the 4 Principles of Neutral Spine Alignment are not being applied properly.

Schedule a Tele-PT workout to get started. You should schedule one workout a week unless otherwise instructed.

Have A Symmetrical Day!
Copyright 2022-2024 Healthy Posture Club LLC all rights reserved.

  • Prehab for Neck Surgery

    3 seasons

    The Prehab for Neck Surgery video library consists of 3 levels of neutral spine conditioning designed to restore your ability to perform daily tasks from healthy posture. This positions you for the best clinical outcome by reducing the amount of stress subjected to your neck post-surgically.
